Application Visibility
Today many applications operate in clear text and therefore it is possible to identify these by the use of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) methods. Tomorrow applications communicate in a confidential way by the use of end2end encryption which renders DPI methods ineffective as a means of application identification and Application Visibility and Control. [read more]
Metadata Driven
Metadata is information about applications that describes them. Instead of guessing device by device we holistically program the network via metadata, no matter if the traffic is encrypted or not. Suddenly your network behaves like a self-driving car. [read more]
Centralized Control
The Promise of SDN had been “Decoupling Policy from Configuration” in means of Policy Intent Networking. While the industry is busy trying to agree on Cross Domain Policy (NIC, GBP, NEMO) we simply utilize the most scalable and proven controller out there which is already available across all admin domain boundaries.
The DNS infrastructure!
Control without admin access
Furthermore, customers may no longer own a network at all as everything is up in the cloud and they may just have a small network inside the data-center which needs to take control over network devices spread across the whole internet which may not be under direct administrative control of them. With the proliferation of digitization in the context of IOT and IOE with thousands to millions of devices and sensors it becomes apparent that present controller approaches cannot scale to such exceptional numbers. [read more]